Nevada News & Views: August 10, 2018

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From “Never Heller” to “Maybe Heller”?

I hate early voting.  It protects incumbents and makes it even harder for challengers.  And it very often means people vote before significant new information comes out…after it’s too late to change your vote.

I bring this up because I have been writing recently that IF THE VOTE WAS HELD TODAY I would likely vote for Kamau Bakari (IAP and former conservative Republican) or “None of These Candidates” in the race for the U.S. Senate in Nevada.

But the election isn’t today.  It’s not until November 6th.

And I had a long, frank and open talk with a close confidante to Republican Sen. Dean Heller last night whose opinion I respect and whose word I trust; unlike the Three Stooges – Mike SlankerKeith Schipper and Jeremy Hughes– who are running Dean’s campaign.

And while our exact discussion was and will continue to be “off the record,” I was presented with some new information that is significant and bears serious consideration.  As such, I’ll be looking into it to see if a reassessment of my position is in order.

So stay tuned…and don’t vote early!

Hof-World Update

As regular readers know, I’m a paid adviser to the campaign of Republican Assembly District 36 candidate and world-famous brothel owner, Dennis Hof.

And as you probably read or heard on Wednesday – because stuff like this involving Dennis tends to make national, even worldwide, news – three Nye County Commissioners suffering from Hof Derangement Syndrome voted on Tuesday to yank his brothel license for the Love Ranch South.

This wasn’t the first time these commissioners have tried to screw Dennis.  Last year they jacked up his licensing fees sky high and earlier this year they suspended his license over some bureaucratic regulatory BS.

And just days before the June 12 primary, the county towed away one of his campaign trailer signs only to have a judge order them to return it the next day.

Indeed, Dennis has beaten them at every turn – which only makes them angrier.   He’s sued two of them multiple times in federal court; lawsuits that are still open.  Which, of course, has them out for bloody revenge.  Which, of course, explains this week’s retribution.

As you can imagine, Dennis ain’t taking this latest assault lying down.  And yesterday we released an official response to the matter.  You can read it by clicking here

In other Hof-World news…

The campaign communications geniuses (see item above) for Sen. Dean Heller’s campaign have been particularly obnoxious in attacking Dennis since last fall, including Heller announcing publicly that he will not support fellow Republican Hof in the general election despite the fact that Hof won the Republican primary and is the GOP nominee.

But that’s not stopping Dennis from doing the right thing and supporting Heller.

In fact, earlier this week Dennis announced that we was designing a new billboard featuring the names of “The Winning Team” that includes both Hof and Heller – for which Heller's team immediately threatened to file an FEC complaint.

And yesterday, much to the chagrin of the Hellerites, Hof announced he was buying a new banner – again featuring Hof and Heller’s names as “The Winning Team” – which he tweeted yesterday will be flown over “every major event in District 36 in the Las Vegas area till the election.”


If you’re not on Dennis’ email list, I encourage you to sign up at and/or follow him on Twitter at  More fun than a barrel full of monkeys!

Ralston Rants about “Fake News” Site that’s Not Fake

Some of the folks supporting Question 3 – the Energy Choice Initiative that would eliminate the power monopoly in Nevada and open the market to competition – have created a dedicated micro-site, the Nevada Energy Report (, featuring news articles and opinion columns supporting passage of the initiative.

And “fake news” purveyor Jon Ralston has his tighty-whities all up in a bunch over it.

“This is a phony news site designed to mislead,” Nevada’s #2 liberal blogger burped up misleadingly on Twitter yesterday afternoon.  “Look at what it’s called.  As if it is the definitive Nevada Energy Report. It’s not.”

This goof has absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever.

His blog is called the “Nevada Independent” – even though it’s funded by politicians, candidates and major donors he regularly writes fondly about.  Talk about the fake news pot calling the kettle black!


“The Sierra Club is hitting (Nevada GOP Rep. Mark Amodei) with digital ads claiming he voted against clean air. What the Sierra Club doesn't know is that Amodei is a cigar smoker and can breathe even the dirtiest air! So, take that, Sierra Club!” – Channel 8’s Steve Sebelius, 8/10/18

“NFL players continued to protest during the national anthem on Thursday night as the league began the first full week of its 2018 preseason.  Some players held their fists in the air, while others decided to kneel, despite the controversy surrounding the action.” – FOX News, 8/10/18

“A football game, that fans are paying soooo much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay!” – President Donald Trump, 8/10/18

“Okay fine @Ocasio2018, if you won’t debate @benshapiro because he’s a man – and because he would destroy you intellectually – how about a debate with me?” – Katie Pavlich, 2011 recipient of Citizen Outreach’s “Breitbart Award”

“(Akexandria) Ocasio-Cortez may currently hold the top spot on the crazy blather leaderboard, but (Nancy) Pelosi's not going to give up without a fight!” – Herman Cain, 8/10/18