Nevada’s Fight for Fair Elections: 180 Cases of Double Voting Under Investigation

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(Brittany Sheehan) – Nevada is investigating hundreds of potential election integrity violations from the 2024 elections. There are 180 open cases of double-voting, according to a Friday report from the Secretary of State’s office.

The report noted 182 investigations of potential double-voting, with only two resolved and no violations found.

For 2024’s primary and general elections, 762 Election Integrity Violation Reports were filed. These reports came from Nevadans who believe state election law was violated. Of these, 515 cases have been closed with no violation found. Meanwhile, 243 cases remain open, and four were found to violate election law.

Call for Transparency

Chuck Muth, president of the Citizen Outreach Foundation (COF), criticized the report.

He said:

“The Secretary of State’s report is only scratching the surface of this problem, which exists because Nevada’s voter rolls are still littered with voters who have moved out of state.”

Muth added:

“Nevadans need and deserve to know exactly what happened on each reported violation. It’s not enough to simply say the reports were ‘closed.’”

Prosecution and Penalties

In the 2024 elections, including primaries, only 11 cases from the reports and double-voting combined have been referred for potential prosecution. Two of these are from a February presidential preference primary, and nine are from the general election primary in June.

There are no further details on these potential prosecutions in the report.

It is a felony to vote twice in Nevada. However, the state must find intent to vote twice for legal action. If a mistake is made, a civil notice is issued to warn the voter. For example, a father mistakenly voting on his son’s ballot might receive a warning rather than prosecution.

Governor Lombardo’s Reform Proposals

Governor Joe Lombardo, a Republican, has been vocal about the need for election reform. After the 2024 General Election results were certified, he called for sweeping changes.

In an interview, Lombardo said of the delayed results:

“One is, it's a national embarrassment. And plus, it creates an environment of perceived fraud, right, especially if there's certain races that flip.”

Lombardo’s proposals include requiring voters to opt in for mail ballots instead of receiving them automatically. He also wants ballots to be received by Election Day, voter ID requirements, and limits on ballot harvesting.

Opposition to Reforms

Lombardo argues these measures are necessary to restore public confidence in elections. However, not everyone agrees.

Assembly Speaker Steve Yeager, a Democrat, dismissed Lombardo’s proposals during the 2023 legislative session as a “solution in search of a problem.”

New Election Integrity Tools

The report from the Secretary of State highlighted Nevada’s new election integrity tool. This tool, the Voter Registration and Election Management System (VREMS), centralizes data and helps detect violations across counties.

However, Muth criticized its effectiveness, saying:

“If these investigations yield so few actionable results, is the process flawed, or is the Secretary of State’s Office just not taking them seriously enough?”

Looking Ahead

As the 2025 legislative session approaches, Governor Lombardo has promised to make election reform a top priority. This comes on the heels of Nevada voters overwhelmingly approving a voter ID measure, with 73% voting in favor.

This strong support can be seen as a mandate from voters for robust election integrity reforms. His proposals face significant resistance from the Democrat-controlled legislature, which has blocked similar efforts in the past.

Why Election Integrity Matters

Election integrity is not just a Nevada issue. When one state falters, it affects everyone’s confidence in the system. Restoring trust in the process is essential.

For conservatives, this isn’t about politics; it’s about preserving the principles that underpin our democracy. Let’s ensure our voices are heard.

Future elections must uphold the highest standards of transparency and fairness.

This article was written with the assistance of AI. Please verify information and consult additional sources as needed.