After abandoning his constituents and his job in the United States Senate to run for president, Marco Rubio announced last week that he was flip-flopping yet again and would seek re-election after all.
His totally disingenuous press release was designed to make his self-serving flip-flop seem noble. Typical politician. But it also included the following…
“The prospect of a Trump presidency is also worrisome to me. It is no secret that I have significant disagreements with Donald Trump. His positions on many key issues are still unknown. And some of his statements, especially about women and minorities, I find not just offensive but unacceptable.”
Ah, yes. Aid-and-comfort. Yet another in-kind donation to “Crooked” Hillary Clinton.
I understand that “Little Marco” is still sore at being trounced so badly in the presidential primary – including losing his own home state – but Trump thumped him fair and square. As such, it’s time for Rubio to listen to the GOP nominee and SHUT UP!
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief
P.S. Thank you to all who expressed concern about the nutjob in Arizona named “Brian Donaldson” who tweeted last week his hope that my children would be “be shot and killed.”
I should point out that when Nevada Assemblyman Jim Wheeler responded to this nutjob’s tweet, the kook replied: “I wish death by gun on you and your family as well.”
Even though neither was a direct threat, I took the advice of everyone who suggested I report this anyway and filed a complaint with the FBI on yesterday.
And just in case something ever DOES happen to me by somebody like this, don’t let ANYONE try to tell you, “If Chuck was here he’d want us to forgive the person and move on.”
Uh-uh. I would want full eye-for-an-eye retribution!
Or to paraphrase Sean Connery said in The Untouchables: “He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That’s the Chuck Muth way.”
Name this politician…
- Is playing a decisive role in national politics
- Known by many exclusively by his first name
- Is the subject of frequent jokes and ridicule about his hair
- Is considered by many to be “eccentric”
- Has hosted television shows and is often called a “performer”
- Never shies away from the camera
- Often “shoots from the lip”
- Is well known for making gaffes in public
- Has been accused of making racist comments
- Is routinely labeled a reckless loose cannon by his critics
If you answered “Donald Trump,” that’d certainly be understandable. But that’s not the answer we’re looking for. In fact, you’re not going to believe who it is…and where he might end up!
- US Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictive Texas Abortion Law
- Kudlow on Brexit: ‘Don’t Panic,’ Long Term It’s Good for Growth
- Trump Ramps Up Online Strategy With Anti-Clinton Site
- Sen. Mike Lee: Trump Needs to Adopt ‘Constitutional Agenda’
- Trump Says He Doesn’t Back Deportations, Muslim Ban
- Eric Trump: Polls Showing Clinton Leading Questioned More Democrats
- Man Featured in Anti-Trump Ad Actually Voted for Him
- McConnell Won’t Say If Trump Is Qualified for Presidency
- Trump-Like Candidate Running Against Rubio for Senate
- Trump Releases 50-Point Attack of Hillary’s Record
- RNC Using ‘Hard-Nosed Tactics’ to Stop Revolt Against Trump
- George Will Left GOP Because ‘I’m a Conservative’
- Clinton Lead over Trump Sinks to 1, NBC Looks the Other Way
- Gingrich says he is not being vetted for VP
- Five things Trump must do to win the election
- Viguerie: My Meeting With Donald Trump – Part 1 of 3
- Failed Trump Assassin: ‘Someone Had to Stand Up for America’
- Gingrich vs. Ryan: The Warrior and the Wonk
Paul Ryan’s “Almost America” Open Border
Think our borders are secure? Think again.
Our national security is at risk and Paul Ryan sits on his hands.
Dan Burdish, Citizen Outreach CEO, dug up some interesting post-election numbers on the CD3 race in which conservative Tax Pledge signer Danny Tarkanian whooped tax-hiking RINO State Sen. Tax Hike Mike Roberson.
“Tark beat Roberson 32.93% to 22.98% during early voting,” Burdish wrote me yesterday. “But his margin of victory shrunk to 28.65% to 24.46% on Election Day.”
That’s was after Roberson and a third-party group dumped $1.8 million(!) worth of negative TV ads against Tark in the final days of the campaign. And Tark STILL beat him.
That’s impressive.
P.S. Has anyone seen or heard from #2 liberal blogger-without-a-TV-show Jon Ralston since his unwatched TV show on PBS got cancelled last week? Should we print up some milk cartons?
“One would think the Republican Party should be rejoicing. Their presumptive nominee garnered more GOP primary votes than any previous candidate. An enthusiastic and engaged Republican electorate is something to celebrate, especially compared to the last two election cycles, where the base was lethargic, with many holding their noses to vote for John McCain or Mitt Romney. No one had to hold his nose to vote for Trump.” – Columnist Brian Joondeph