(Phillip Stucky, The Daily Caller News Foundation) – Forty-three percent of likely voters are able to name a Supreme Court Justice, according to a Sunday poll released by C-SPAN.
Respondents were asked to identify a single member of the Court, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was the most well known, with 16 percent of respondents giving her name.
At a close second was Chief Justice John Roberts, with 12 percent, and Justice Clarence Thomas was in third place with 10 percent of respondents indicating they knew of him.
There was a huge gap between third and fourth place, with only 3 percent naming Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The remaining justices were tied at 1 percent.
Although the majority of respondents were unable to identify a member of the court, 90 percent of all respondents indicated they felt the Supreme Court had a key impact on their daily life.
C-SPAN interviewed 1,032 likely voters from March 7 through March 9, the survey included a margin of error of 3.05 percentage points in either direction.
Content originally published at The Daily Caller.
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