Random Drive-By Muthings

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There are a pair of jewels living among us in southern Nevada: Bobby and Sandy Ellis.  If you missed this heart-warming story in the RJ on Christmas day, give it a read.  And then try telling me these folks don’t deserve a “yuge” tax cut.

I’m reliably told the coal Santa delivered to Hillary Clinton this year came from a “clean coal” mine in West Virginia.  Yes, West Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!

The headline in the Las Vegas Review-Journal yesterday declared, “Shoppers spending at a pace not seen since recession.”  Hmm, I wonder what’s changed this past year to cause that?

Breitbart News reports that more than 1.3 million people dropped off the food stamp rolls in 2017.  Hmm, I wonder what’s changed this past year to cause that?

So attendance and viewership of NFL games is way down this year and “U.S. movies expect 22 year low in ticket sales.”  Hmm, I wonder what’s changed this past year to cause that?

After the vast majority of United Nations members voted against the United States over President Donald Trump’s decision to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley announced today that the U.S. is cutting funding to the organization by $285 million.

Actions are finally having consequences again.  Go Nikki, go!

U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says President Trump’s packed rallies reflect the “spasms of a dying party.”

That “dying party” now controls the White House, the U.S. Senate, the House of Representatives, the majority of governorships and the majority of state Legislatures.

You can bet the Democrats wish their party was “dying” like that.

Fresh off of offering a $2 million bribe each to Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) if they’d vote against President Trump’s tax cut, foul-mouthed militant liberal Rosie O’Donnell tweeted to House Speaker Paul Ryan on Christmas Eve, “u will go straight to hell u screwed up fake altar boy.”

She seems nice.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) bumped a 63-year-old teacher out of her 1st class seat on a United Airlines flight last week – and United let her get away with it. “United knows she will play the race card if she isn't treated like royalty,” the press reported, “so they just give in.”

So much for “white privilege.”

Breitbart News reported today that “A Democratic congressional candidate in Virginia (Shaun Brown) has been indicted on charges of fraud, embezzlement, and theft for allegedly stealing government funds ($803,000) from a school nutrition program in 2012.”

Brown is black, so don’t expect to see her story on CNN or other “fake news” outlets.

Have you ever noticed that the mainstream media only seems to focus on the “good” DREAMers (children of illegal aliens) and never the violent, drug-dealing, murdering ones?  I wonder why that is?

Nevada Democrat gubernatorial candidate Steve Sisolak sent an email out today urging people to sign an online birthday card to…himself.  Not exactly his social media team’s finest hour.

Victoria’s Secret

Victoria Seaman, Nevada GOP candidate for the 3rd congressional district, is still belly-aching that I refuse to support her.  She’s now complaining that I’m not criticizing one of her opponents, Sen. Scott Hammond, for voting for the Commerce Tax.

Truth is I’ve criticized ALL of the Republicans, including Hammond, who voted for that tax in 2015 – probably more than any other conservative in the state.  But that’s not the issue here.

Hammond didn’t sign the Tax Pledge promising in writing to vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes and he’s not lying/denying that he voted for it.

On the other hand, Seaman DID sign the Tax Pledge, went on to vote for NINEtax hikes (though, to be fair, she did vote against the Commerce Tax), refuses to acknowledge that she broke her pledge, and continues to deceive voters into thinking she didn’t.

It’s her deception I have a big problem with.  And the political expediency.

She signed the Pledge in 2014 for the Assembly race she won.  Then she refused to sign it – and encouraged other candidates not to sign it – in 2016 when she lost her state senate race.  And now she’s signed it again for the CD3 race.

That shows a lack of integrity and character to me.

I know a number of my conservative friends are still backing Queen Vick.  And that’s fine.  I understand.  But I won’t be fooled again.  I’ve seen this show before.  Anyone remember Chris “Let’s Make a Deal” Edwards?