(Don Nelson) – Harry Reid is the last person who should call Sharron Angle or anyone else, extreme on abortion. Reid's actions torpedo his protest that he is pro-life because he has helped implement the agenda of Planned Parenthood, NARAL and the abortion industry, including taxpayer funding of abortion in America and around the world.
1. Harry Reid wrote the health care reform law which contains massive government abortion funding provisions and he led the effort to defeat amendments that would have kept abortion out of health care. Americans, whether they are pro-life or pro-choice on abortion, oppose government funding by abortion by wide margins and support the long standing widely held provisions that prevent it.
Reid introduced his health care bill after the House passed the Stupak amendment which would have kept abortion out of health care. Reid could have easily left abortion funding and subsidies out or included the House's Stupak Amendment. Reid knew it takes 60 votes to put abortion language in or take it out. By including abortion language that will fund and subsidize abortion throughout pregnancy for any reason, Reid made his choice to give abortion advocates the advantage.
When an identical Senate version of the Stupak amendment to was submitted, Reid dutifully went to the Senate floor to keep it out. Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards explained later, “At a crucial moment, Majority Leader Reid went to the floor of the U.S. Senate to deliver his speech against the Senate version of the Stupak amendment.”
2. Harry Reid supports funding of groups who provide and promote abortion around the world at United States taxpayer expense. Reid opposes the Mexico City policy that prohibits taxpayer funding to groups who perform abortions, promote abortion or lobby to change abortion laws in other nations. Reid voted twice against amendments that make sure that taxpayer funding does not go the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), which helps fund China's brutal One Child Policy that uses forced abortion and sterilization. The Cato Institute's Stephen Moore says, “This program will go down in history as one of the greatest abuses of human rights in the 20th century.”
3. Harry Reid has opposed pro-life nominations to the Supreme Court and supported nominations of pro-abortion justices. In Reid's first year in the Senate, he helped defeat Judge Robert Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court. The National Abortion Rights Action League says that, “The defeat of Robert Bork was the single most important victory for pro-choice forces during the 1980s.”
But that's not all; Reid opposed the nominations of John Roberts, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court. Reid voted for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. Justices Breyer and Ginsburg (former chief counsel for the ACLU) opposed laws banning brutal partial birth abortions. Harry Reid has been working to make sure abortion stays firmly entrenched by supporting radical justices for the Supreme Court while masquerading as being pro-life.
4. Harry Reid is a key ally of the abortion industry. While other abortion advocates claim friendship and a good relationship with Reid, Reid has a special relationship with abortion leader Planned Parenthood. Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates' 2010 “Voter Guide” rates Reid as “Leans Pro-Choice,” defined as “70-99% . . . Pro-Choice on many but not all, issues.” Their guide also notes that Reid “carried policy for Planned Parenthood.” It's no wonder Planned Parenthood also awarded him their “2008 Voice for Sound Policy” award. Reid has been fighting for Planned Parenthood and has even bragged about this award and being named a Planned Parenthood Nevada legislator of the year while claiming to be pro-life.
Reid deserves Planned Parenthood's ratings and award. Just after casting his vote against the Senate amendment to keep abortion out of health care, ABC News reported that while Reid may oppose abortion rights, Reid said it “doesn't mean I'm opposed to finding common ground for the greater good.” Reid was and has been selling out unborn children for his political fortunes and doing the bidding of extremist abortion groups against the will of the American people.
That makes Harry Reid the last person who should call Sharron Angle or anyone else, extreme on abortion. Harry Reid is a phony to call himself pro-life and has long forfeited the right to do so due to his efforts to implement the agenda of Planned Parenthood, NARAL and the abortion industry in America and around the world.
(Don Nelson is president of Nevada LIFE)