Sandoval Encourages Business Growth By Freezing Regulations

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(Carson City, NV)Speaking at the Chamber’s Directions 2012 event in Reno this morning, Governor Sandoval announced the results of his administration’s regulatory review. In his first executive order as Governor, Sandoval imposed a one-year freeze on all regulations and required the Cabinet to thoroughly review the entire regulatory framework of the state.

During the freeze, all regulations were reviewed to determine if they were still necessary, to identify any adverse impact on business, to clarify language and address duplication or inconsistencies, and to determine if the public value outweighed the cost of the regulation itself.

“With my executive order, I established a set of regulatory priorities for this administration – namely, to protect the health and welfare of the people of Nevada without discouraging economic growth,” Sandoval said. “I am pleased to report that as a result of my executive order, we are now poised to repeal, condense, or modernize over 1700 regulations.”

As a result of the review, 654 different rules will now be repealed. The lion’s share comes from agencies that impact businesses and individuals directly – 137 regulations in the Department of Business and Industry, 120 in the DMV, and 95 in the Department of Taxation.

At the Department of Motor Vehicles, the regulation which requires schools for training drivers to establish a place of business located in Nevada is being repealed. Repeal was recommended because requiring internet based schools to establish a place of business in the state constitutes an unnecessary burden with little to no increased consumer protection (NAC 483.766(1)(a)).

In the Manufactured Housing Division (MHD), NAC 461.125 is being repealed. The regulation requires that every manufactured building in the state equipped with a toilet have a label affixed to it indicating the maximum amount of water the toilet uses for each flush. The MHD states that this regulation is duplicative and unnecessary.

Additionally, Sandoval has given his Cabinet specific directions to refocus their approach to rule-making. Regulations will not be frozen, but every regulatory body will be required to notify the Governor’s Office of proposed actions and include notice of how the proposed regulation is consistent with Sandoval’s priority to keep Nevada’s economy moving.

“My office will provide a thorough review of the rule-making process to ensure government doesn’t get in the way of job growth,” Sandoval added.