The Democrat Race Card: Don’t Leave Home Without It!

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(Chuck Muth)
– Dateline Nevada.  December 13, 2024.

“This just in: Nevada Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo supported Republican candidates this year in competitive legislative races that Republicans hoped to flip from Democrat to Republican. Film at eleven.”

Yeah, not exactly breaking news, is it?

So Nevada Democrats, already gearing up to sandbag Lombardo during the 2025 legislative session and carrying water for their 2026 gubernatorial nominee-in-waiting, spiced it up

“NEW REPORT: Joe Lombardo Took Unprecedented Steps to Fund Candidates Tied to Racism and Bigotry.”

Ah, yes.  Much better when played with the race card, right?

Buckle up, Nevadans.

This is exactly what you’re going to be subjected to for the next two years as the Nevada Democrat Party, led by a black, race-hustling chairwoman, Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno (D-EI), conducts a search-and-destroy mission to elect its black, race-obsessed nominee-elect, incumbent Attorney General A-Ron Darnell Ford (D-EI), as the state’s next governor.

Because when Democrats have nothing else – as was the case for Kamala Harris’ disastrous, embarrassing, content-free presidential run – they play the race card.

Unfortunately for them, they overplayed the race card and got, um, “Trumped.”

Americans have finally caught onto this political scam – perpetrated for decades by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Whoopie Goldberg – and they’re simply not buying it any longer.

But that won’t stop the Killer D’s and A-Ron from trying to divide the state and shove it down our throats.  Indeed, the modern definition of “racist” is “any Republican winning any argument with any Democrat at any time.”

Thus, the race-baiting, guilt-by-association headline on the Nevada Dems December 13 press release.

And what thin gruel did they ladle out to accuse Gov. Lombardo of being a racist?

Well, the “new report” was inked by some libtard named Jesse Valentine, who bills himself as an “Email Strategist” – which I guess means he’s watched “You’ve Got Mail” starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan over a hundred times – and works for a far-left libtard blog, American Journal News, which is funded by far-left libtard organizations such as American Bridge.

In other words, this hit piece isn’t a journalistic “report.”  It’s pure partisan political propaganda.

In it, Valentine quotes Tai Sims, the Nevada Dems’ Communications Director – yet another black race hustler – who burped up the following in the press release…

“Joe Lombardo and his allies are willing to do and say anything to hang onto power, including aligning with extreme candidates who spew vile and racist comments denigrating Nevada’s diverse communities. Lombardo has refused to denounce the behavior of any of his endorsees leading Nevadans to believe he doesn’t find any issue with their disgraceful actions or comments.”

And exactly what vile, racist comments and disgraceful actions by Lombardo-endorsed candidates is he referring to?

Well, first there’s Assembly Republican Minority Leader P.K. O’Neill, who said the following in August about Gov. “Don Veto’s” 75 vetoed bills during the last session…

“They were bad for you; they were bad for Nevada. Some of them were things such as rent control, more DEI – diversity, equity, inclusion, which I really think should be spelled DIE.”

But, um, opposing race-based DEI programs isn’t “racist.”  Here’s what Leo Terrell, a BLACK Trump-supporting commentator, had to say about DEI…

“I hate it. I want to make sure you understand my position. I hate diversity, equity, and inclusion.  It’s illegal.  It is unconstitutional. … It’s code for affirmative action. It’s selecting people for positions based on skin color…  It is not based on merit.”

Nice try, Valentine. What else ya got?

Well, well, well, um, what about State Sen. John Ellison, who once used the term “colored people”?

Dear Mr. Valentine, the next time you do some email strategizing, Google “NAACP.”

Nah, let me save you some time.  The NAACP is the nation’s oldest black civil rights organization.  And the acronym stands for “National Association for the Advancement of COLORED PEOPLE.”

What else ya got?

Well, um, what about congressional candidate John Lee – who ran against Rep. Steven Horsford (D-EI), the head of the Congressional Black Caucus (as long as they’re not a Republican) – who said in an interview he wasn’t “worried about black people”?

That comment, naturally, was taken out of context.  Lee was asked if he was worried about getting black voters in the district to vote for him since he’s a honky.

Lee accurately was pointing out that he’d been running successfully in districts with significant numbers of black voters since 1996 – including four terms in the Nevada State Assembly, three terms in the Nevada State Senate, and two terms as mayor of North Las Vegas.

So, no, he wasn’t “worried” about getting the black vote.  He’d been getting it for over 25 years!

Nice try, ace.  Is that all the race cards you got?


Well, with no more race cards in the deck, time to whip out the ol’ antisemite card.

Valentine next tries to play that card against State Sen. Carrie Buck, who dared to defend Donald Trump against the antisemite card being played against him by Kamala with this tweet…

“Trump has consistently backed Israel! He has Jewish children & grandchildren. His largest donor(s) are of the Jewish faith. Harris backs Palestine in statement after pager incident. Biden/Harris send tax dollars to Iran. So again, how do Jewish Americans vote for Harris?”

That’s antisemitic?  This Valentine character is a real goofball.

How does questioning how Jewish American voters could possibly vote for a candidate whose Democrat administration had been continually knee-capping Israel over its response to Hamas’ October 7 massacre and slaughter of innocent Jews equate to antisemitism?

Poor Jesse.  Clearly not ready for prime time.

Well, with the antisemite card put back in the deck, all this little twit had left to play was the Islamophobe card, citing Republican Brandon Davis who ran against Democrat Hanadi Nadeem in Assembly District 34.

Valentine wrote…

“Nadeem is a practicing Muslim. In September, Davis launched a website featuring a black and white photo of Nadeem wearing a hijab with text accusing her of supporting the Taliban. The basis for this false claim was a social media post in which Nadeem was complimentary to a former prime minister of Pakistan.”

But the photo was taken from Nadeem’s own social media site and she DID write glowingly about former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Kahn, a known Taliban sympathizer.

So Mr. Valentine has his tighty-whities is a knot over Davis linking by association his opponent to a terrorist sympathizer while inking a column in which he tries to accuse Gov. Lombardo of being a racist by association.

Got it.

If libtards such as Valentine didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

Anyway, despite the colossal failure of Democrats playing the race card against Donald Trump last month, it’s obvious that Nevada Dems have learned nothing from the shellacking.

With racial arsonist A-Ron Ford leading their ticket in 2026, this ham-handed effort to smear Lombardo as a racist is surely just the opening ante.

But if they think this is going to beat a governor who’s getting sh*t done – for ALL Nevadans regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation – they ain’t playing with a full deck.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.