The Real Reason for The War on Oil

The Real Reason for The War on Oil

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The Real Reason for The War on Oil

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The War on Oil is the Democrats' plan to reduce America's dependence on oil and increase renewable energy production.  But at what cost?
By killing the Keystone Pipeline, removing leases to drill, and making it harder for oil companies to use the leases they have, the War on Oil makes it difficult for America to meet its energy needs.  
Shipping Strategic Oil Reserve supplies to countries that don't like us further weakens the supply chain, which drives the price of oil higher.  This in turn leads to higher inflation, as businesses pass on the increased costs to consumers.
The War on Oil is promoted as being well-intentioned, but it continues to hurt American families by making everyday necessities more expensive.  Is this really the best way to achieve energy independence?  
We are told to ditch our gas cars and trucks and buy an EV.  There's just one problem, you know that electricity that is used to charge your battery is generated by oil.  The lithium used to make that battery is strip mined.  The batteries will last for five or six years and then have to be replaced.  That battery pack will be dumped at a landfill right next to the decommissioned windmills.  So much for clean energy.
The best way of resolving this issue is to wind the clock back to Jan 19, 2021 and bring back all the policies of the Trump Administration.  This country had energy independence before Biden took over.  Everything this administration has done is make us less independent and weaker to the rest of the world.   We have to stop this War on Oil.  The only way to do so is by electing enough Republicans this year to have a veto proof majority.  
Let's make Biden even more of a lame duck President until we can Mondale him out in 2024.