Titus: Putting Your Tax Dollars to Work, for Herself

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(Mark Noonan) – So, what is in the news about Rep. Dina Titus (D-Pelosi's Hip Pocket)? This:

“First-term members of Congress — led by U.S. Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev. — are using a perk to blanket districts with mass mailings and other messages to promote themselves back home, particularly those in this year's tightest election contests, an Associated Press review shows…

…The leading spenders were … first-term lawmakers: Titus, D-Las Vegas, who spent $470,059.25…”

Our State is broke. Our nation is broke. Nevada suffers from massive unemployment. Homes get foreclosed on. Businesses shut their doors. And Dina Titus? When she's not voting in lockstep with ultra-liberal Nancy Pelosi against the interests of Nevada, she's using our tax dollars to bamboozle us in to giving her another term!

This is what is wrong with politics – the arrogant assumption that they, our (alleged) leaders, have a right to use our hard-earned money for their own advancement. Its bad enough that our Harry Reid has amassed a fortune of millions of dollars while “serving” us – now we've got a House back bencher going for the gold. Our gold.

Our liberals – like Titus – are under the impression that the anger in the electorate is unreasonable. That we just don't understand the wonderful things the government is planning to do for us. Pity none of them spent any time in Searchlight this past Saturday. Had they done so, they'd understand that the anger is over the corruption of government – all of it, including that part where our elected officials start thinking that they deserve special privileges just for being in office. Doesn't matter if what they propose is good or bad, on the face of it, when it'll all be done with crooked deals which put we, the people, last.

2010 is the uprising. As the line in the old movie said, “we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it, any more”. No more of these politicians feeding off of us. We're a people with a government – they seem to think we're a government which owns some people.

Come November, we're going to change that.