Amodei: It Was A Great Speech If You Forget…

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(Washington, DC) – Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) today released the following statement regarding the President's State Of The Union (SOTU) address:

“The President's State Of The Union address made sense if one forgets the following:

  • The national debt is more than $15.2 trillion and growing.
  • The annual federal budget deficit is approximately $1.5 trillion.
  • Medicare will be insolvent in 2024.
  • Social Security will be insolvent in 2036.
  • The decision to keep raising the debt-ceiling only benefits the Chinese.
  • The Democrat-controlled Senate has failed to pass a budget in 1,000 days.
  • The President nixed the Keystone XL pipeline along with 20,000 to 200,000 potential jobs.
  • Coal is one of our most abundant domestic energy sources.
  • The President proposed historic cuts to the Marines and the Army.
  • The President's only proposal to reform the executive branch involves giving it more power.
  • Federal regulations annually cost the U.S. economy $1.75 trillion.
  • The President’s agenda includes adding more than 200 ‘major rules' to those already on the books.
  • 28 House-passed, bipartisan jobs bills are stuck in the Senate awaiting action.
  • As a U.S. Senator, the President's voting record was rated ‘most liberal.'
  • It's been said that the goal of the President's campaign is to raise $1 billion.

“If you ignore all that, which seems to be what the President wants, then it was a great speech. However, Nevadans and their fellow Americans are well-acquainted with reality. They can see the serious challenges we face as a country.

“Unfortunately, based on what he included and what he omitted in his remarks, the President either doesn't understand the issues, which I don't believe to be the case, or he thinks that Americans aren't paying attention.

“In his political calculus and his policy priorities, I think that the President is sorely mistaken.”