(Las Vegas, NV) – Along with millions of other Americans, Congressional candidate Chris Edwards watched President Obama deliver his latest State of the Union speech Tuesday night. Those who were hoping for clear and effective solutions to fix the problems plaguing Nevada and the rest of the country were disappointed.
“Rather than a clear path or effective solutions, the President presented more government, more regulations, more debt and more of the same. These will not help Nevada’s struggling economy, extremely high unemployment, devastated housing market or the mounting debt that will crush generations to come.” said Edwards. “The federal government must make significant changes to its spending, taxing, and regulating policies to empower Americans to bring the economy back to life and provide jobs for those families who desperately need them.”
Edwards looks forward to putting his problem-solving skills to work in Washington as Nevada’s First Congressional Representative. He knows that it is the power of the American people that drives our country and our economy, not the government bureaucrats, czars, or big-government spenders.
“The Administration’s policies and efforts have not worked for the First Congressional District of Nevada, the people of Nevada or the nation. In fact, things have gotten worse and nothing in the President’s speech offer boldness, clarity or hope.” Edwards added, “When the nation and its people are hurting as much as we are, our elected representatives must fulfill their duties to effectively resolve the country’s problems, even in an election year,” concluded Edwards.