(Mark Noonan) – Well, the Machine rolled over the people and got ObamaCare through. Illegally, unconstitutionally, but they got it through. Never under estimate the power of a corrupt political elite to get something done when they have the raw power to do it.
Some thoughts:
1. With Stupak’s cowardly defection on ObamaCare, it is time now for all pro-life people to understand that a vote for a Democrat will always be a vote to betray the cause of Life. Even if there is a Democrat who has solid pro-life credentials, the fact is that he’ll be adding power to pro-abortion politicians like Nancy Pelosi.
2. No one can ever rely upon a Democrat to do the right thing. Stupak was bought with mere $726,000.00 in airport improvements for the home district – “moderate Democrats” are just something liberal Democrats use to run in Republican districts. The very nature of a person who would lend power to someone like a Nancy Pelosi is that of a coward and an opportunist. Its not a matter of if they’ll betray, but when they’ll do it.
3. The liberal leadership is convinced that they’ll weather the storm. They are convinced that we, the people, are just a tiny, angry minority – mostly bitter at the fact that a black man is President. They kept pushing this not in a “votes be darned” mood but, instead, in a “we’re the majority and we won’t let a bunch of racist, gun- and Bible-clingers stop us”. If you listened to Nancy’s speech on the floor, its clear that they really believe that what they are doing is in accordance with the will of the people.
4. Now becomes the time for us to bear down on this. Next week, for instance, we have a rally against Reid in Searchlight, NV. I’ll be there. When ever one of these things comes up in your area – be there. No excuses. Donate to candidates. Volunteer. Give of yourself. If we come together and fight hard, then we will have a different Congress come next year.
As for me, I’m all geared up and happy – haven’t been this jazzed in ages. Don’t get angry – keep that fire, but remember that it is the cool headed person who prevails. We will have these people – and we will teach them what being an American is really all about.