(Pat Kerby) – Our nation sits at a threshold, and it’s time somebody came out and said it. Unfortunately, by the time most people read this, the healthcare vote will have been taken, and the die will be cast.
The federal government has been operating outside the powers granted by the Constitution for some time now, but up until now, in name only at least, it has remained the supreme law of the land. This vote on healthcare takes us into a new frontier.
What you are saying by supporting this, is that the American form of government as devised by our founders is over, and that you believe that this congress, and this administration, are the ones smart enough, educated enough, and worthy enough to lead us into whatever form of government comes next for this country. You are saying that you have studied history as much as our founders did, and have come upon a system that is an upgrade from what they devised, and that we the people should trust you and follow along for our ultimate benefit.
This is where we are, and it’s time to come out and say it. Come out in the open, and admit that this is the agenda, and see if the people will support it. This you can do.
What you cannot do is continue to call yourselves Americans.
Immigrants who become citizens of this country must swear allegiance to our constitution, and denounce all others to become Americans. Since you have rejected and denounced our constitution, you must become known as something else. Perhaps “Pelosians” or something catchy like that would be more appropriate, but since you no longer (or perhaps never did) believe in the principles of liberty, you can no longer call yourselves Americans.
If this step sounds like it’s too much for you, then I urge you to reject this awful legislation, and the others like it to follow, for what they are: A direct attack on the liberties of this nation. Join the ranks of the millions of Americans who are taking a stand, because we have become aware that something is very wrong.
Yes, we have been asleep for far too long, because we trusted you, our elected officials to protect our sacred liberties, and you have squandered them to the point where our country is barely recognizable. We are no longer the bastion of freedom, but the showcase for greed and corruption to the world.
It is up to you. History will know this congress as the ones who rejected the vision of the founders once and for all, or the ones who, amidst great adversity, took a stand to protect and defend the liberties that made the United States the greatest nation on earth.
It’s time to call this effort what it is, and stop pretending this is a movement to make America better. This is a movement to end America as we know it, and you must know that if you support this, history will remember you for what you are, not as an American.
(Mr. Kerby lives in Pahrump, Nevada)