(NSHE) – The Board of Regents, today, approved the nomination of Robert P. Ellis and Sandra D. Ellis as 2015 Distinguished Nevadans.
The Distinguished Nevadan is bestowed upon prominent individuals who have contributed to the cultural, scientific, or social advancement of Nevada.
The Ellises, who are known throughout Southern Nevada for their charitable acts to education and the community, are two of the 11 honorees to be recognized as a Distinguished Nevadan in 2015. Their award will be presented at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas spring commencement in May.
Other 2015 honorees include: Mr. Paul Bible, Mr. James Bilbray, Dr. Hugh S. Collett, Mr. Gus “Billy” W. Flangas,
Dr. Florence Jameson, Mr. Gard Jameson, Dr. Anthony Pollard, Mrs. Diane Pollard, and Mr. Eddie Scott.
Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) serves the educational and job training needs of Nevada. It provides educational opportunities to nearly 106,300 students and is governed by the Nevada Board of Regents. It is comprised of two doctoral-granting universities, a state college, four comprehensive community colleges and one environmental research institute.