Attorney General Laxalt announces guilty plea of California man for Obtaining Money under False Pretenses

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Office of the Attorney General logo(Office of the Attorney General) – LAS VEGAS – Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt announced that Robert Musich, 45, of California, pleaded guilty to the crime of obtaining money under false pretenses, a category “B” felony. He committed the fraud between November and December of 2014.

Musich, Robert (Source: Mohave County Jail)

Musich, Robert
(Source: Mohave County Jail)

Musich presented fraudulent invoices to numerous Las Vegas companies for fire and safety inspection services, such as assessments of equipment and certifications. The majority of the invoices requested $413.11, and listed a Las Vegas commercial mail receiving agency address and phone number. Musich never provided nor intended to provide these services, and instead deposited the collected monies into his bank account.

“This office will continue to protect business owners by prosecuting those who abuse trade practices,” said Laxalt. “Nevadans should be wary of unsolicited services, and take the necessary precautions to avoid falling victim to these scams.”

Musich was arrested in Arizona in May 2015, and now faces a punishment of one to six years in state prison. He agreed to pay full restitution of nearly $12,000 to the 29 Nevada businesses he victimized. Sentencing will take place in the Eighth Judicial District Court, Department 6, on November 9, 2015.

The Attorney General’s Office provides the following tips to avoid being swindled by bogus fire safety inspections:

  • Conduct thorough research to ensure the company or individual you are hiring or receiving an invoice from is properly licensed.
  • Contact the Nevada State Contractors Board to confirm the legitimacy of an inspector. The website also lists a number of helpful consumer tips to avoid being scammed.
  • Request a list of past customers to contact as references, should you suspect a service provider may not be legitimate.
  • Ask questions, should you suspect any suspicious activity. If you receive an invoice that you do not recognize, call the listed phone number to inquire for specific dates and times the services were performed.

Chief Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Segal prosecuted this case. To view the Guilty Plea Agreement, click here. To file a complaint with the Office of the Nevada Attorney General, click here.