(Chuck Muth) – In a recent interview on Nevada Newsmakers, co-host and longtime Democrat activist Marlene Lockard complained about a recent column written by Randi Thompson on Yucca Mountain which was published here in Nevada News & Views. Lockhart claimed the column was filled with false information and asked if we “fact checked” it.
No. It was an opinion column.
If Marlene has a problem with any of the material, she should take it up with the author….who, by the way, stands by everything she wrote in the column.
In any event, this resulted in a post-show email exchange between Lockard, Thompson, the show’s producer, me and Ty Cobb Sr., who has been actively urging a more open discussion about converting Yucca to a reprocessing center and energy park for the last couple of years.
The email exchanges were somewhat long and detailed and didn’t exactly result in an organized or productive discussion of the disputed issues at hand. So the show’s producer suggested a three-part Nevada Newsmakers debate between Lockard, Cobb and Thompson with host Sam Shad serving as referee…er, modeator.
Cobb immediately agreed.
So did Thompson.
But Lockard, who all but called Thompson a liar, has reportedly chickened out and is refusing to stand up for her positions on the air and on the record.
Like a schoolyard bully who backs down the minute somebody stands up to them.
Marlene, if you can’t take it, hon….don’t dish it out.