Dem Libs Should Be Ashamed of Preaching About Tulsa

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

(Fred Weinberg) – I have a very personal relationship with Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I arrived there on July 5, 1982—a date which should be memorialized in banking history as the day the FDIC shut down the Penn Square Bank.  I sold my radio stations and left for good in 1997 headed to Las Vegas where we had purchased a radio station.

In the interim, I owned radio stations all over the state and was active in politics.

Today, the so-called media is making a big deal out of something which happened 100 years ago—the race riot which destroyed the Greenwood area which is now referred to as “black Wall Street”.

Here’s the problem with Gayle King’s narrative on CBS:

Not only did this horrible tragedy happen 100 years ago, its progenitor was the Ku Klux Klan—which, 100 years ago, was the domestic terror arm of the Democrat Party.

So, we have the very rich spectacle of today’s liberal white Democrats whining about something yesterday’s Democrat Klansman did 100 years ago.  And Oprah’s best friend telling the story on the most liberal of the legacy networks.

That plus a whole bunch of people whining that today’s school system didn’t teach us all about it.

That’s funny.  I arrived on a Monday amid all the coverage of the closing of the Penn Square Bank and by Friday had the complete story of the massacre for the asking.

First of all, the riot did happen—pretty much exactly as it has been described.  It was not Oklahoma’s finest moment.  

But nothing you or I or probably our ancestors could do would have any effect, today.  The professional black activists are making a living demanding reparations.  Here’s an idea—make the Democrat party pony up the money.  It’ll never happen.  Because even if you could find a way to fairly distribute the money, it would involve the Democrats giving us a whiff of honesty—an act of which they are incapable.

Then there is the issue of the business people losing the ability to pass on their success to their children.

Here is the problem with that:

In 1929, we had the great depression.  Who is to say which businesses would have survived and which would have perished?

White owned businesses fail every day.  So do businesses owned by blacks.  Being in business is tough and you don’t get extra credit for being a minority.

Finally, there is the issue of mass graves.  If there is a way to give names to those who were killed, it should absolutely be done.

But here the Democrat liberals go again, developing a new way to rewrite history to fit their narrative.

Yes, something terrible happened 100 years ago.

The details are very well known and, without preaching, should probably be included in history curriculums.  But so should the truth.

And the truth is that on May 31, 1921, the Tim McVeighs of the day—domestic terrorists all backed by the Democrat party destroyed part of Tulsa where blacks had enjoyed some success.  It was not a moment that today’s Democrat liberals should be preaching to the rest of us about.

But it did happen 100 years ago and we should all make sure it never happens again.  Because that is all we can do, 100 years later.

End of story