Dear Fellow Republicans,
I want to take this opportunity to shine a bright light on the misinformation currently being distributed about me and my campaign: I have never personally supported or endorsed Representative Susie Lee.
Of course, in politics the truth isn’t always convenient. That’s one of the reasons I’m running – because the truth IS important to me and I’d like to set the record straight.
In 2018, I was selected by my peers to be the President of the Nevada Association of Realtors. Like most associations and organizations, the Nevada Realtors have a governing set of bylaws that the organization must follow. Section 9.1 of the Realtor’s bylaws states that the President is designated as the official “Spokesperson” for the organization – and that all official communication, from the organization to the public, comes from the President.
Just as the bylaws of the Nevada Republican Party require the State Party Treasurer to file financial reports in accordance with federal and state laws, the Nevada Association of Realtors requires all public communication to come from its President.
During the 2018 Election Cycle, the Nevada Realtors Association voted to endorse Susie Lee over Danny Tarkanian. The Nevada Realtors released an endorsement statement and – per the bylaws – my name was assigned to the endorsement. No organization is perfect – when you join any group, team or political party you quickly learn that perfection is not an option – but the Realtors get it right a lot more than they get it wrong, just like the Republican Party.
So the endorsement from the Realtors was exactly that – an endorsement from the Realtors… not from me, personally. My opponents have always known that, but instead have chosen convenience over conscience – which says a lot more about them than it does about me.
But in case you’re looking for more evidence, I’d like share with you some of the reasons why I am a champion of Republican values:
1. I am lifelong conservative who has always supported Republican values and candidates. 2. I voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 and wholeheartedly support his re-election. 3. I am unapologetically pro-life. 4. I believe the 2nd Amendment is vital to a free society and must be protected and upheld. 5. Obamacare is not working and must be overhauled.
Paid for by Elect Heidi Kasama
6. I am 100% against the Modified Business Tax and believe it should be repealed. 7. I believe we must protect Americans first. I support President Trump’s efforts to build a wall and the implementation of advanced technology to secure our boarders. 8. I have made more than a dozen political donations in the past to conservative candidates and organizations. 9. I am a proud signer of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
After watching the Democrats during the 2019 Legislative session in Carson City, I knew I could no longer sit on the sidelines. The Republican Assembly Caucus heard of my interest in becoming a candidate and we started a dialogue. After meeting with the majority of the members of the Republican Assembly Caucus, I was honored and humbled when notified that they would like to endorse my candidacy.
I know who I am and I know what I stand for. I also know that not every candidate has my background, qualifications, support base or conservative values.
Politics isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean we have to distort the truth. We’re the party of better ideas and an unwavering commitment to freedom, capitalism and responsibility. You have my word that I’ll uphold those values…and just as importantly I’ll always tell you the truth, which is something I never thought would be a defining issue in this race.
I’m running my campaign honestly and with the integrity that I know we share. I’d be honored to earn your vote and would be more than happy to discuss our campaign with you directly. Please feel free to call my cell anytime (702) 308-7208
Heidi Kasama Candidate for Assembly District 2