It’ll take a miracle for Donald Trump to pull this off.
He has literally gone up against all the king’s horses and all the king’s men.
- He was opposed by 16 highly-qualified, experienced GOP primary opponents.
- He was opposed by the Republican Party establishment.
- He was opposed by the Republican Party donor cartel.
- He was opposed by the Clinton Crime Family.
- And most of all, he was opposed by the liberal mainstream media.
But he was NOT opposed by grassroots conservatives – even though he clearly was no movement conservative.
Because he was an outsider who promised to break up the Washington, DC political monopoly.
Because he promised to drain the swamp and clean out what my friend Melody Howard accurately describes as “the cesspool of career politicians.”
And especially because he’s a fighter.
He fought the Democrats. He fought the liberals. He fought the RINOs. He fought the PC Speech Police.
And he especially fought the liberal media and cable TV’s talking boneheads.
When hit, he hit back. Hard.
He didn’t roll over and ask to have his widdle tummy wubbed like so many wussie Republican “leaders.”
If those of us who supported Trump turn out to be the minority in this election, it won’t be the end. It’ll be the beginning.
Because there WILL be a reckoning within the GOP. Grassroots activists have taken names.
And as the Chicago Cubs proved once again this year, there’s always a next season.
Samuel Adams famously said, “It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Trump struck a match this year.
If he wins, it’ll be a controlled burn.
If not, even Smokey the Bear better run for the river!
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Make America Great Again. Vote today. Vote Trump.
- Gingrich: ‘Very Short Night' If Trump Wins Mich., Fla., NC
- NY Daily News Caps Fierce Anti-Trump Crusade
- LA Times: Final Tracking Poll Shows Trump Up 3
- Competing Claims of Voter Fraud, Intimidation Raise Tensions
- Pennsylvania Democrats Lose Ruling Over Trump Poll Watchers
- Analysts: Trump Presidency Not Liberals' Biggest Nightmare
- Gov. Pat McCrory: Liberals Trying to Deflect Attention From NC's Successes
- IBD/TIPP: Trump Has 2-Point Edge in Final National Tracking Poll
- Trump: I'm Voting for … Me
- Trump Ahead After Midnight Voting in New Hampshire
- Laura Ingraham: Win or Lose, No Going Back to Old GOP
- Clinton Campaign: Stop Airing Ads Stating FBI Probe Active
- Trump Announces Endorsements By Belichick, Tom Brady
- WikiLeaks Exposes More Brazile Question-Sharing With Clinton
- Hillary: ‘Befuddled' by FBI Process
- Trump: We're Leading in Michigan
- Ted Nugent to Newsmax: Michigan Will Turn Red
- Votecastr Plans to Release Exit Polls Throughout Election Day
- Justice Dept. to Dispatch More than 500 Staffers to Polls
- Trump: Campaign Worth Taking ‘Unfair Hits' to His Family
- Pete King: Disappointed in Comey Announcement on Clinton Emails
- Giuliani: Trump Victory Will Blaze Path Through Florida, Pennsylvania
- Fox News Electoral Map Now Favors Trump
- Haaretz: More Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn Back Trump
- ‘I Voted From Space': Lone American Off Planet Casts Ballot
- Steve King: Impossible-to-Poll Supporters Will Carry Trump to Victory
- Steve King: We'll Investigate Clinton FBI Investigators
- Trump Deviates from Speech to Praise ‘Beautiful' Mask
- Dick Morris: Election Could Come Down to 269-269 Electoral Tie, Really!
- NY Times Poll: Trump, Clinton Tied in North Carolina
- Paul Ryan Agrees: Obamacare Won't Be Repealed if Clinton Wins
- 9 Celebrities Saying They'll Leave US If Trump Wins
When I took the kids to Knott’s Berry Farm last month, we stayed until closing. At closing time, if you were in line to get on a ride, you could get on that ride.
But if you tried to join the back of the line after closing time, you couldn’t. A worker simply informed you that the park was now closed and you got there too late.
That’s the same thing that happens on Election Day. If you’re in line when the polls close at 7 pm, you can vote. But if you try to join the line after 7 pm, a worker will tell you you’re too late. You snooze, you lose.
However, according to a report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal this morning, “Joe Gloria, Clark County voter registrar, said county workers allowed anyone in line to vote, even if they showed up after the scheduled closing time” (my emphasis) last Friday, which was the last day of early voting.
That’s wrong. What’s the sense in having rules if they’re not going to be followed? And here’s the thing…
Early voting was available to any voter for TWO WEEKS.
And everyone knew before early voting started that it ended at a specific time on Friday. If you chose to be so irresponsible as to show up too late on the last day…sorry, Charlie. It’s your own fault.
Ah, but the rules for liberals always seem to be different. Which is just one of the many ways this election has already been rigged. The question is whether or not Trump can win anyway.
We’ll know soon enough.
This is why I don’t vote early: I’ve changed my mind about the Assembly District 18 race.
On Sunday morning I was in the “toss a coin” category for his contest between pro-gun incumbent Democrat Assembly Richard Carrillo and Republican challenger Christine DeCorte.
Then I got a perturbed voice-mail message from DeCorte on Sunday afternoon claiming she got her “C” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) only because one of the questions was complicated and hypothetical and she chose to leave it blank.
So, still with some reservations yesterday morning, I switched over to DeCorte.
But late yesterday afternoon her opponent sent me an actual copy of the NRA questionnaire. And I couldn’t find a single question on it that any good conservative shouldn’t have been able to answer. Not one.
To put it mildly, I don’t like being misled by a candidate.
I also double-checked to see if DeCorte had signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. She hasn’t.
And I’m still not a happy camper about that groin shot DeCorte gave Carrillo by using a photo that wasn’t Carrillo to depict Carrillo negatively – even if there was a disclaimer with the photo. Cheap shot.
So at this point this morning, I’m now with Carrillo in this race.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t end up where I started – flipping a coin in the voting booth.
Decisions, decisions.
Also, I’m withdrawing my support for Len Marciano for State Board of Education, District 4 after I heard from a friend that he’s been a jerk on Facebook by bashing conservatives for not supporting RINOs.
Screw the RINOs. Screw Marciano.
One last item…
In the race for Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Department 6, I’m supporting the Republican candidate, Rebecca Kern. On the other hand, tax-hiking RINO Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison just did a robo-call supporting Kern’s Democrat opponent, Bita Yeager.
Remember that two years from now when Hutch comes looking for GOP support for his gubernatorial bid!
Gotta love Election Day. Here’s my final, personal list of candidates I’m supporting…
President: Donald Trump (R)
U.S. Senate: Joe Heck (R)
1st Congressional District: Mary Perry (R)
2nd Congressional District: Mark Amodei (R)
3rd Congressional District: Danny Tarkanian (R)
4th Congressional District: Cresent Hardy (R)
Nevada Senate District 3: Tick Segerblom (D-Cannabis)
Nevada Senate District 5: Carrie Buck (R)
Nevada Senate District 6: none of the above
Nevada Senate District 15: David Colborne (L)
Nevada Senate District 19: Janine Hansen (IAP)
Assembly District 2: Owen Carver (D)*
Assembly District 4: Richard McArthur (R)
Assembly District 8: John Moore (L)
Assembly District 9: Steve Yeager (D)*
Assembly District 10: Shelly Shelton (R)
Assembly District 12: James Ohrenschall (D)
Assembly District 15: Stan Vaughan (R)
Assembly District 16: Ed Euhling (L)
Assembly District 18: Richard Carrillo (D)
Assembly District 21: Ozzie Fumo (D)*
Assembly District 25: Jill Tolles (R)
Assembly District 27: Bonnie Weber (R)
Assembly District 29: Lesley Cohen (D)*
Assembly District 31: Jill Dickman (R)
Assembly District 35: Brent Jones (R)
Assembly District 36: Dennis Hof (L)*
Assembly District 37: Jim Marchant (R)
Assembly District 38: Robin Titus (R)
Assembly District 40: Al Kramer (R)
* Running against a tax-hiking RINO
State Board of Regents, District 6: Mike Wixom
State Board of Education, District 2: David Carter
Supreme Court, Seat A: None of the Above
Supreme Court, Seat E: None of the Above
Court of Appeals, Department 1: None of the Above
Court of Appeals, Department 2: None of the Above
Court of Appeals, Department 3: None of the Above
Clark County District Court, Department 15: Joe Hardy
Clark County District Court, Department 20: Eric Johnson
Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Department 3: Janiece Marshall
Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Department 6: Rebecca Kern
Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Department 7: Vinny Ginn
Justice of the Peace, Las Vegas Department 13: Suzan Baucum
Clark County Commission, District A: Steve Sisolak (D)
Nevada Question 1 (gun control): Hell NO!
Nevada Question 2 (marijuana): Yes
Nevada Question 3 (energy): No
Nevada Question 4: (tax cut): Yes
Clark County Question 5 (putting gas tax hikes on auto-pilot): No
“One of (Donald Trump’s) former advisers has harsh words for his Nevada operation. A political operative who helped Mr. Trump begin his 2016 presidential campaign nearly two years ago offered an unvarnished view of the Republican’s operation in Nevada, a state that is leaning toward Hillary Clinton. ‘Frankly, Trump has run one of the worst campaigns in modern political history in the state,’ said Roger Stone, a strategist who has advised Mr. Trump at different times over the last 30 years.” – New York Times, 11/8/16