Nevada finishes 8th highest on U-Haul’s 2020 migration growth ranking

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Nevada came in eighth highest on a new ranking measuring migration growth among the states based on one-way U-Haul truck traffic leaving or entering their borders last year.

California displaced Illinois as the state with the biggest net loss of U-Haul trucks in 2020, the moving company reported. And Nevada was ranked 24th in U-Haul’s 2019 migration growth study.

Both Texas and Florida had the most net gains in U-Haul truck traffic from 2016 to 2019 before they were displaced by Tennessee in 2020, the company said. What makes Tennessee attractive is its business-friendliness and low taxes, according to U-Haul.

Those states with the most migration growth are ranked based on net gains of one-way U-Haul trucks entering the state vs. trucks leaving their borders during a calendar year. More than 2 million one-way trips are logged by U-Haul every year, the company reported.

The annual ranking tracks truck traffic moving among its 22,000 truck- and trailer-sharing locations. U-Haul sees the data as a gauge of which states are attracting residents from outside their borders.

U-Haul Ranking of Migration Growth Among States

2020 Rank State 2019 Rank
1 Tennessee 12
2 Texas 2
3 Florida 1
4 Ohio 7
5 Arizona 20
6 Colorado 42
7 Missouri 13
8 Nevada 24
9 North Carolina 3
10 Georgia 16
11 Arkansas 23
12 Indiana 9
13 Wisconsin 41
14 Oklahoma 14
15 South Carolina 4
16 West Virginia 22
17 Utah 8
18 Kentucky 37
19 Montana 26
20 Minnesota 15
21 Kansas 18
22 Alabama 6
23 New Hampshire 31
24 Iowa 30
25 South Dakota 28
26 Vermont 10
27 Delaware 21
28 Virginia 39
29 Maine 33
30 Idaho 11
31 Mississippi 25
32 Nebraska 19
33 Wyoming 27
34 Alaska 17
35 Rhode Island 35
36 Washington 5
37 North Dakota 32
38 Washington, D.C. 38
39 New Mexico 36
40 Michigan 48
41 Pennsylvania 46
42 New York 43
43 Connecticut 34
44 Louisiana 40
45 Oregon 29
46 Maryland 45
47 Massachusetts 47
48 New Jersey 44
49 Illinois 50
50 California 49

Source: U-Haul International Inc.


The Center Square