News & Views: May 5, 2016

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Establishment Republicans appear prepared to quietly kill the country by refusing to hop on the Donald Trump roller coaster, opting instead for the slow painful death of Hillary Clinton in the White House.  They remind me of this great quote by humorist Will Rogers

“When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.”

Not me.  I’d rather go down fighting, as Johnny Cash put it, “kicking and a' gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.”

Indeed, the reason Trump is the GOP presidential nominee isn’t because establishment Republicans have lost too many fights with the Democrats.  It’s that for two decades since the Contract with America they’ve REFUSED to take the gloves off and fight with the Democrats.

Republican voters wanted someone who would bite like a mule and kick like a crocodile.  And boy, did they ever get him!  Buckle up, boys and girls.  It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.


Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief

P.S.  Two YUGE potential benefits of the Trump nomination:  (1)  If he wins, a whole lot of liberals have threatened to leave the country, and (2)  Arizona Sen. John McCain thinks Trump might finally cost him his seat.

So let it be written; so let it be done!











(Chuck Muth) – Three young, black male “super-predators” – who shot a white, 24-year-old Las Vegas liquor store clerk to death in cold blood last month – were arrested by Metro Police officers this week.  The Black Lives matter gang and Nevada State Sen. Kelvin Atkinson were unavailable for comment.  Go figure.

Are Governor Sandoval and His Allies So Desperate to Stop Assemblyman Brent Jones They Would Use A Troubled Girl?

(NewsMaxTV) – Governor Sandoval’s allies took a kill shot at one of the Governor’s most vocal critics, Assemblyman Brent Jones, yesterday. Using their allies in the local media to disseminate the story, just weeks before early voting is set to start in the primary election, a lawsuit was filed against Jones’s business Real Water, using a past employee who was fired, angry over money and with a history of prescription drug problems, according to sources.


Citizen Outreach PAC has published its initial list of endorsements, which only includes candidates (other than Donald Trump) who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  For the official 2016 COPAC endorsement list, click here


Republican Assembly candidate Swadeep Nigam – running against tax-hiking Assemblywoman Melissa Woodbury in the GOP primary in Henderson – has inked the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  As has Republican Richard Bunce, running for Assembly District 22, and Ed Euling, Libertarian Party candidate for State Senate District 10 in Clark county.

For a complete list of 2016 Nevada candidates who have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, click here


I’m pretty good at Google research, but I know plenty of people who are better.  Am looking for anything – mailers, news stories, interviews, etc. – documenting that Assembly Speaker John Hambrick lied to his constituents and betrayed them, especially on the tax issue.

I already have a copy of his signed Taxpayer Protection Pledge, so don’t worry about that.  But anything else you can dig up that I might be able to use in an educational mailer to his district would be greatly appreciated.  The guy is a major league hypocrite, and we need to expose him!

Send what you find to


“A guy just won the Republican nomination for president by spending no money, hiring no pollsters, running virtually no TV ads, and just saying what he truly believed no matter how many times people told him he couldn’t say that.” – Conservative columnist Ann Coulter

“In May, 2015 a CNN/ORC poll had Marco Rubio leading the pack with 14 percent. Trump was back in 10th place at three percent, tied with George Pataki. I raise that as a warning flag regarding very early polls. The polls being released this week are likely to be just as predictive. … As more people announce their support for Donald Trump, it will become easier for more people to support Donald Trump.” – Political strategist Rich Galen