(Don Turner, Nevada Firearms Coalition) – Every time someone commits a mass murder with a firearm (deranged persons or those doing it for revenge, political or religious proposes), the anti-gun lobby begins their all too familiar chant to ban firearms from the rest of us. After four decades of attempts to ban firearms, the progressives have realized that this is not popular with the American people. Consequently, they have morphed their focus onto lesser targets. Such topics as assault weapons, high capacity magazines, cop killer ammunition, micro stampeding cartridge cases, gun safety locks, gun registration, regulation of private gun sales (universal background checks), bullets cause wildfires, lead bullets kill condors when they eat bullets, and United Nations Small Arms Treaty, etc. are various names and schemes for their planned incremental destruction of the right to bear arms as articulated in our constitution.
Their approaches and appeals are based on emotion. If they were based on facts, their entire proposition becomes indefensible. For instance, the cities in this country that have the most restrictive firearms regulations are the ones that have the highest crimes; Chicago and Washington D.C., for example.
The facts are that the presence of firearms in the hands of the citizenry saves lives and reduces crime. These facts are thoroughly researched and documented in Professor John Lott’s book, “More Guns Less Crime.” Countries such as Canada and Australia have learned that banning guns comes with a high price in increased crimes against persons. Other scholarly works indicate that rising violence comes not from firearms but from our entertainment industry. Check out Professor Dave Grossman’s work “Stop Teaching our Children to Kill” for an excellent presentation of this issue.
Can you remember who have been the greatest mass murders in the 20th Century? Were they in Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Colorado? If you think any of these are correct, you are wrong.
Every once in a while, it is necessary to remind ourselves why we were given the right by our Creator to keep and bear arms. It is self-defense primarily from tyranny. This right is as old as civilization itself; even the ancients knew that the right of self-defense was sacred.
“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership” is a group who painfully and personally remembers the holocaust. Among many of their worthwhile projects, they published the book “Death by Gun Control” written by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens. The following data is taken from The JPFO Genocide Chart. These occurred AFTER their countries enacted “reasonable” gun control laws. In the 20th century, “governments murdered four times as many citizens as were killed in all the international and domestic wars combined.”
- Ottoman Turkey — 1-1.5 million people killed
- Soviet Union — 20 million people killed
- Nazi Germany — 20 million people killed
- China, Nationalist — 10 million people killed
- China, Red — 20-35 million people killed
- Guatemala — 100,000 -200,000 people killed
- Uganda — 2 million people killed
- Cambodia, Red — 2 million people killed
- Rwanda — 800,000 people killed
The patriots who developed our Constitution were students of history and knew that the ability of the citizens to defend themselves was the only means to resist tyrannical governments. A culture of violence fostered by our entertainment industry, coupled with a lowering of the common morals by the progressive culture, are the roots of our country’s killings; not the ownership of firearms.
20th century history gives us 92 million reasons to resist gun control schemes.
Don Turner is president of the Nevada Firearms Coalition. NVFAC is a membership organization of firearms owners, supporters, users, public and private gun clubs and commercial shooting sports enterprises who are interested in promoting and protecting the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense, competition, recreation, and hunting. Visit www.NVFAC.org for more information about the group.