Trump Hasn’t Left Us…And We Have Not Left Him

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(Fred Weinberg) I have to admit it.

 I was delighted to see Donald Trump take the stage at CPAC last weekend and say what was on everybody’s mind.  In so many words, screw you, Democrat liberals.  We’re not having any of what you’re selling.

 I felt the same way I felt the night before Trump was inaugurated when I watched Toby Keith perform “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue” at the Lincoln Memorial.  The words may have been a bit crude, but nothing was lost in the translation.

 Donald Trump is, quite simply, the little guy’s billionaire.  He learned from his father—an immigrant—that the people who do sheetrock, the plumbing, who pay the rent in Brooklyn, who raise their families in the apartments his father built matter too.  In most cases much more than the Washington establishment.

 And the Washington establishment—of both parties—hated him for it.

 How much do they hate Donald Trump?

 Enough to have Nancy Pelosi’s congressional thugs impeach him twice.  Even though there was no chance he would be convicted and removed from office.  And the last time, several days before he left office, anyway.

 Enough to have morons from the FBI (we’re not talking Efrem Zimbalist Jr. here) break the law, lie to the FISA court and spy on his 2016 campaign.

 Enough to put totally unconstitutional election laws in place in swing states prior to the 2020 election, cheat enough to beat him and then say that any suggestion that Joe Biden didn’t actually win the election is a “big lie” and is worthy of prosecution.

 You can argue about policy.  But hatred is a whole different thing.  They called him a racist, an anti-semite, a homophobe.  Never mind that he negotiated whole new deals in the Middle East.  Never mind that under Trump, black unemployment hit new lows.  Never mind that one of his closest foreign affairs and intelligence advisors is openly gay.

 You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

 Donald Trump and the late Rush Limbaugh had one skillset in common.  They are and were unafraid to say the things that the average guy thinks but was afraid to say.

 So they get hated by the establishment and loved by the average guy.

 And most importantly, Trump was totally unafraid to call out the Washington swamp.

 Now that Joe Biden is in the White House the swamp is making itself quite apparent.

 They want to destroy jobs by raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.  They hate fossil fuel so much that they’re willing to cost us all unconscionable amounts just to go to work every day.  They want to kowtow to the teachers’ unions so badly that they’re willing to keep schools closed.  And they literally want to use the legislature to get rid of any news outlet which may carry ideas they do not agree with.

 They aren’t leaders.

 They are despots.

 And it is up to leaders like Trump (as well as his 74,000,000 faithful followers—us) to keep any of that nonsense from actually happening.

 Anybody who thinks that Donald Trump is leaving the stage is guilty of the most wishful thinking on the planet.

 He’ll be here.

 My guess is that he will be heavily involved in the 2022 mid term elections, making sure that the RINOs lose their primaries and, come 2024, assuming his health is good, he will run again for President.  And win.

 In the meantime, keep the faith.  And help the former President keep America RINO free.

 I’d say “welcome back Mr. President” except that you never left.

 The liberal Democrats just thought you had.