Upcoming Campaign Schools

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(Chuck Muth) – I’ll be instructing at a pair of “live” campaign training seminars in August…

August 3, 2019: Amarillo, Texas

Host: Leadership Institute

Cost: $35

Click here for details and/or to register

August 17, 2019: Carson City, Nevada

Host: Nevada Republican Party

Cost: TBD

Full details and registration info not yet confirmed, but tentatively scheduled for the Fandango Hotel & Casino from 9:00-4:00 pm.

Pencil in the date.


Coming for Cummings

My home town of Baltimore is in the news again.  And not in a good way.

In a series of tweets aimed at Trump-hating Congressman Elijah Cummingsthis morning, President Donald Trump wrote that Cummings’ district “is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place.”

As a 1988 refugee from “Charm City,” I can attest to the accuracy of the president’s depiction.

And “fake news” claims to the contrary, it is NOT “racist” to simply point out the obvious.  What’s “racist” is to play the race card when no racism is actually involved.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

UPDATE: Battle Born Battlefield 2020

Zach WalkerLieb, who was exploring a GOP run for Nevada’s 3rdCongressional District and had opened an FEC account, has opted to not take the plunge this election cycle.  He’s a promising young conservative and I suspect this isn’t the last we’ll hear from him.

Tiger Helgelien has announced his bid for this seat.  He’s the current husband of former State Sen. Elizabeth Halseth – who ran unsuccessfully for a different state senate seat last year.  If the names sound familiar but you can’t remember the details of the mess these two caused for the GOP back in 2011, click here.

The other announced candidate in this race is Dan Schwartz – last seen getting all of 9% of the vote for governor in the 2018 GOP primary against Adam Laxalt after refusing to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.  Not exactly an electoral colossus.

And rumors continue that former state senate candidate Dan Rodimer – who came in second, ahead of Halseth in his bid in the 2018 GOP primary – intends to file in this race.  If he does, I hope he changes his mind and signs the Tax Pledge this time.

Waiting in the CD3 wings is still an as-yet unidentified woman said to have political assets and credentials that’ll immediately make her a competitive alternative to associate “Squad” member, Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV).  So keep your powder dry and don’t saddle up on a horse in this race just yet.

In CD4, Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo announced his bid for the seat this week – despite the fact that he’s only been a county commissioner for all of just 6 months now.  The announcement, I’m told, is not sitting well with voters there.

On the other hand, a promising new face to the GOP political world, Lisa Song Sutton, is scheduled to formally announce her candidacy for CD4 on Monday.

Ms. Sutton is a small business owner and accomplished public speaker who formerly interned for a U.S. senator in 2005 and served as Miss Nevada United States 2014.  According to a story in today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Her father is a Vietnam War veteran and her mother is a Korean immigrant.”

I’ll be meeting with Ms. Sutton and her campaign team on Wednesday.  Definitely someone to keep an eye on.

On the Democrats’ side, here’s an interesting rumor – said to have some real substance by folks in-the-know I’ve spoken with: Clark County Commission Chairman Marilyn Kirkpatrick is giving serious thought to challenging incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak in the Democrat primary in 2022.

There’s been bad blood between these two dating back to the days when both served as commissioners together.  If it happens, things could get very interesting.

The Guinasso Files

Jason Guinasso is a creepy Reno lawyer who’s been trying for two years now to get Lyon County to provide him with the names and contact information for all the sex workers in the county’s legal brothels.  One can only imagine why.

He also led the failed ballot question to shut those brothels down last fall – losing badly, 80-20%.

He’s also been enmeshed in a big court dispute over his failure to comply with the state’s public records law related to his work on behalf of the Incline Village Improvement district.  He’s lost that fight, as well.

And now he’s lost his job as chairman of the Nevada’s Public Charter School Authority.  Poor Jason announced with despair and a heavy heart on Twitter on Monday that Gov. Sisolak had canned him.

Hasta la vista, baby!

(Mr. Muth is president of CitizenOutreach.org and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com.  He blogs at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.)