The Best Outcome Might Be A Trump Win and A Democrat Senate . . . Couldn’t Be Much Worse Than What We Have Now

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(Fred Weinberg , Penny Press) Donald Trump had a locker room chat with Billy Bush 11 years ago and made some locker room remarks about sex.  It was surreptitiously recorded.  And released, by the Washington Post, on the Friday before his second debate with Hillary Clinton.


For starters, the mainstream media—where journalism now goes to die—has made this into a big deal. They talk about the 40 people in the Republican Party who have called for him to step aside as “key people”.

It’s not a big deal and most of those “key people” are sniveling little ass kissers like Lindsey Graham and John McCain.

I’m guessing that 90% of the men in America have said the same or similar things.  Including the husband of Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton. But in Bubba’s case it went well beyond words.

In fact, President William Jefferson Clinton had fellatio performed on him in a room off the oval office by Monica Lewinsky and was impeached for lying about it. (I’m writing this for the benefit of those people who were not old enough to vote in 1998 and were educated by union teachers.)  His wife, Trump’s opponent, led the attacks on “bimbos” who seem to have littered Bill’s public life.

So, anything which Hillary has to say about this is, shall we say, the pot calling the kettle black.

Even though Bubba was ultimately not removed from office by the Senate, the bimbo eruptions left a stain on his Presidency equivalent to the stain he left on Lewinsky’s blue dress. (Look it up.)

So, will the media frenzy derail the Trump campaign?


Unless, of course, Chuck Todd, John Dickerson and George Stephanopoulos have a lot more influence on the American voter than they have shown so far.  Remember, it was these clowns and their colleagues who told us that Trump could NEVER win the Republican nomination.  Until he did.  And now, there they go again.

But what should really hack off that large group of voters who support Trump is the total lack of cojones possessed by Congressional and Senatorial candidates as well as other assorted alleged Republicans who somehow actually believe that Trump’s decade old conversation would hurt their election efforts.

The truth is, it’s not the potential of losing which has them terrified.  It’s the possibility of Trump winning.  It would upset their nice, insulated little world. Which we all pay through the nose to help them maintain.

I would think that voters are smart enough to look at some of these clowns and wonder if electing those who are busy wringing their hands in public is worth the effort.

Take Nevada’s Joe Heck.

There are some of us who actually live in Nevada who had made up our minds that even though Heck is a less than perfect candidate—he’s a RINO—we’ll hold our noses and vote for him because we don’t want to replace Harry Reid with Harry Reid in drag.

But after he “rescinded” his support of Trump, the thought occurs that maybe we can live without another Senator from the tax and spend wing of the RINO party.  Not yet sure. The same applies to freshman Congressman Crescent Hardy. Maybe he should have had a serious primary challenge.

I’ve said this before in this space.  If any of these clowns loses their election and cannot figure out why, they should look in the mirror.

Maybe the best outcome here is a Trump win and GOP losses in the Senate and House.

It couldn’t be a worse outcome than what we have now.

Fred Weinberg