Here are ten stories conservatives are reading and following today…
- NewsMax: Democrat Wins LA Guv's Race; Vitter Announces Retirement from Senate
- TownHall: House Democrat: Obama White House ‘Royally ‘F**ked Up’ On Syrian Refugee Bill
- Daily Caller: Trump: Bring Back Waterboarding To Fight ISIS [VIDEO]
- NRO: How Hillary Clinton Became Obama’s Political Prisoner
- AAN: This Candidate is Hammering Marco Rubio on a Key Issue
- Red State: How Rep. Peter King Is Working With Harry Reid To Limit Gun Ownership
- Malkin: The Ululations of Radical College Crybabies
- FoxNews: FBI taking reported threat against WWE event seriously
- LVRJ: Time for Nevada’s rooftop solar owners to get off gravy train & to pay full freight
- LVRJ: Nevada’s local governments need to back off of Uber, Lyft