We Don’t Care How You Did It in California: “Dracarys!”

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(Chuck Muth) – Way back in 2003, conservative then-Nevada State Assemblyman Ron Knecht – with tongue planted firmly in cheek – introduced a bill to change the name of “Nevada” to “East California” in response to all the wacky ideas and bills legislators were bringing forward that originated in the Land of Fruits & Nuts. Around that same time, “We Don’t Care How You Did It in California” bumper stickers began appearing around Nevada in response to the flood of trans-Californians who fled the Golden State and started trying to bring their crap to the Silver State. To be sure, some of the Cali-transplants have come here as refugees, not missionaries.  But hordes of Californicators who soiled their nests to the west by voting for liberal Democrats, higher taxes and nanny-state policies have been trying to soil our nest here. Nothing’s changed over the last 20 years since Knecht’s “East California” bill.  In fact, things have gotten “progressively” worse.  And it must be stopped at all costs.  As Daenerys Targaryen would say, “Dracarys!”

  • NOTE: If you’re not a Game of Thrones fan, “Dracarys” is the command Daenerys gave when she wanted her dragons to breathe fire and wipe everything out.

In 2015, Nevada Republicans blew their opportunity to stop and reverse the damage when they controlled the governor’s office and both houses of the Legislature, choosing instead to pass the largest tax hike in state history.  Democrats have been completely in charge ever since. And how’s that worked out for us?  Well, consider this… When the CHINA-19 virus hit, and our state’s elected leaders had a choice between dealing with it like Florida or dealing with it like California, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak chose to be California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s mini-me.  And as a reminder, here’s what they did to us…

  • They closed our businesses
  • They closed our schools
  • They closed our churches
  • They closed our playgrounds
  • They closed our golf courses
  • They closed our parks and beaches
  • They closed our casinos
  • They closed our brothels!
  • They banned parties and sleepovers
  • They banned funerals
  • They banned weddings
  • They banned graduation ceremonies
  • They banned youth sports
  • They banned Thanksgiving dinners!

Actually, they did a helluva lot more than that…and I’m sure you can add to the list. Sisolak didn’t merely play “monkey see/monkey do” with Newsom.  In fact, his nose was so closely positioned behind Gavin’s posterior during the shutdowns that if the Cali guv broke wind, Sisolak was the first to know. Dracarys! To that end, the Stronger Nevada PAC released this week a new 30-second commercial reminding Nevada voters how Nevada Democrats have thoroughly screwed the pooch here by “taking marching orders from California Gov. Gavin Newsom.” If you haven’t seen it, click here. And if you’d like to get updates on what the Stronger Nevada PAC is doing to dethrone King Sisolak of House East California, click here. Dracarys! “Killer Copywriting” Workshop in Carson City Ever thought you might like to be a political writer and pundit?  Well, you can.  Anyone can…even if you don’t think you’re a good writer.  I’ll show you how.  Here’s some of what I cover in my “Killer Copywriting” class…

  • How to be a political writer without actually “writing” anything yourself (including books!)
  • How to affordably create and publish your own political blog without being a web developer
  • The 6 “Killer Bee’s” of effective political writing
  • The best place to learn how to write killer headlines and subject lines
  • The magic of the “Strategic Message Grid” (every candidate should be using this!)
  • Some secret “insider” tips on how to build traffic and followers
  • How to use new “artificial intelligence” programs to write killer copy for you
  • And much, much more

I did this workshop for the first time in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago and got a lot of requests to do it in northern Nevada as well.  So I’ll be coming up to Carson City on Wednesday, September 14.  The workshop will be conducted at the Casino Fandango.  Check-in at 5:30 pm.  Program will start promptly at 6:00 and run ‘til around 8:00.  Cost is just $10 to cover room rental and all training materials.  But seating is limited. Click here to register What some aspiring “citizen journalists” in Vegas said about the “Killer Copywriting” workshop…

  • “Awesome event.  Chuck did a tremendous job today teaching campaign copywriting.” – Tony Lane
  • “This was my first class with Chuck.  Very informative!” – Patricia Brinkley
  • “What's the best way to jumpstart a voter ID initiative?  Attend a political writing event hosted by Chuck Muth.” – Ron Costa

Nevada News & Views While I haven’t been writing Muth’s Truths – except for the occasional relapse – for the past two months, I haven't exactly been letting moss grow under my feet. In addition to working feverishly to expand my campaign training programs – like the Killer Copywriting” workshop noted above – I’m also breathing new life into a number of projects for our non-profit organization, Citizen Outreach. One of those projects is to greatly expand the amount of content on our Nevada News & Views newsblog – including content from new aspiring “citizen journalists.”  Here are a few recent posts…

If you have a submission you’d like us to consider for publication, email it to chuck@citizenoutreach.com. Save the Date: “PASTAPALOOZA!” Citizen Outreach’s annual Conservative of the Year awards dinner will be held on Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at the Italian-American Club in Las Vegas. The theme of this year’s dinner is “Pastapalooza” – in honor of National Spaghetti Day – and will feature a live band and an audience-participation singing contest of the childhood song, “On Top of Spaghetti.”  This won’t be your typical “rubber chicken” dinner! And while the names of the award recipients won’t be released until sometime in November or early December, we HAVE confirmed that the honoree for our “Reagan Legacy Award” will be the conservative movement’s “Funding Father,” Richard Viguerie! I’ll share background info on Mr. Viguerie in the coming days for those who may not be familiar with the conservative lion and legend.  But I’ll note this: He got actively involved in politics WAY back in the early 1950’s after Truman fired Gen. Douglas McArthur. And he’s been kicking butt and taking names ever since. Tickets will go on sale sometime after Labor Day…and you can expect this event will sell out QUICKLY.  So save the date and don’t delay once tickets become available. Save the Date: “Politics on the Rocks” 13 years ago, Citizen Outreach launched its monthly First Friday Happy Hour events.  And, boy, did we have some knock-out speakers over the years before we turned the event over to the Nevada GOP. Well, we’re BAAAACK! One of the challenges we had with First Friday was coordinating schedules with speakers who would have loved to come hang out in Sin City but had conflicts on the “first Friday” dates.  So we’re getting rid of that. Instead, we’ll be inviting great speakers to join us for our re-branded “Politics on the Rocks” happy hour/cocktail receptions whenever they’re able to be here.  This will make it easier to get VIP speakers y’all would love to meet, talk to and take selfies with. The first Politics on the Rocks is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 21.  So save the date.  Details in the coming days. P.S.  We’re also planning on a series of cocktail receptions for LADIES ONLY.  Details on “Whiskey, Wine & Women” will be announced shortly, as well. Save the Date: “Reagan Birthday Bash” Here’s another one Citizen Outreach is dusting off and bringing back: The annual Reagan Birthday Bash honoring the Gipper.  Not sure exactly what kind of event it’s gonna be, but it’ll be on Monday, February 6, 2023. So get it on your calendar now. FAMOUS LAST WORDS “If you want to see a great Porky Pig imitation, ask any Democrat where the money for the student loans is coming from.” – Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO)